Easily distracted by campers and books shirt
Easily distracted by campers and books shirt. Only tourists like Americans actually come here and live a good life, go to the resort, enjoy excursions and lovely attractions. Jamaicans on the other handwork and can barely find money to pay a taxi to work. Because we allow private health insurance companies to kill people for profit? Or because we incarcerate more people than any other country? Or because of the blatant racial wealth gap? Or because we have no guaranteed maternity leave? Or because we have more guns than people? Or because we’re lagging behind dozens of countries in funding public education? Or because the federal minimum wage is still? Or because Amazon pays no federal income tax?

Buy this shirt: Easily distracted by campers and books shirt
From: https://lovingshirt.com/

Buy this shirt: Easily distracted by campers and books shirt
From: https://lovingshirt.com/
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