Hippie dogs on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt
Now let me clarify that I was a Hippie dogs on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt. We only had one car. My car. This was a major problem. If we needed something I relied on her to get it. We often ran out of food. She would bring home fast food for weeks before we had a chance to go grocery shopping. Our son rarely even saw her. He would go weeks without seeing mommy. She was up before him and would come home after he went to sleep. On this occasion, my 3-year-old son and I hadn’t eaten yet. He went to bed hungry waiting for mommy. She didn’t come home at all. I texted her a lot. I called her phone over and over. She eventually texted back that she hadn’t heard it ringing, sorry. She will be home tomorrow. She didn’t reply again that night.

Buy this shirt: Hippie dogs on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt
From: https://lovingshirt.com/

Buy this shirt: Hippie dogs on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt
From: https://lovingshirt.com/
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