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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2020

Back link Lovingshirt on 2020/04/30

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Don’t worry about the fact that every insult he hurls just seems to grow his audience, or every debate “fuckup” just seems to make him stronger. All viruses have to stop spreading at some point. That’s just like, science, yo. Don’t worry about the fact that he’s a blunt, reckless, social media-driven mogul perfectly suited for our blunt, reckless, social media-driven times. This isn’t a reality show guys, it’s “real life.” People like Trump don’t win in “real life.” Don’t worry about the fact that he has tapped into arguably the ugliest strain of white trash/redneck vitriol & hate since World War II, or that he’s fanning the flames & creating a vicious feedback loop. Buy this shirt:  COVID-19 christ over viruses and infectious diseases Joshua 19 shirt From:  https://florakikyo.com.vn/shirt/covid-19-christ-over-viruses-and-infectious-diseases-joshua-19-shirt/ I was really surprised that only 7 or so ppl from the audience stood up and walked out the point I would hav...

Back link Lovingshirt on 2020/04/29

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Anyone who has ever owned one of these creatures has become aware of their tendency toward irritating and evil behavior and will agree that an alliance with Satan is the only reasonable explanation.“Satanists” and covens don’t kill cats. Satanists don’t even believe in Satan…they don’t believe in god, so they don’t believe in the devil. They call themselves a religion to showcase Christian hypocrisy. How else could they install a Baphomet statue next to a depiction of the Ten Commandments? Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. Buy this shirt:  Don’t make me hex you cat satan shirt From:  https://fujiresidence.org/dont-make-hex-cat-satan-shirt/ He’s under contract he’s free to negotiate with another team meaning he might be able to request some kind of settlement. Assuming he isn’t interested in remaining with the Buccaneers. People always assume there are hard feelings. Not necessarily. Maybe he asked for a trade. Maybe he wanted to be...

Back link Lovingshirt on 2020/04/28

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In American culture, even children moving into adolescence tend to drop “Mommy” and “Daddy” in favor of terms like Mom, Mama, Mother, Dad, Pop, Father. Before you rush to justify using it with “but they blog about being Mommies!” ask yourself why we don’t call those who write for parenting magazines “Daddy Journalists” or “Mommy Editors”? Men and women who are both parents and business professionals don’t tend to view themselves as less capable simply because they’ve reproduced genetically – so why they go to great lengths to foist that upon others is sometimes baffling. Buy this shirt:  Don’t check out my daddy mommy is psycho Warning shirt From:  https://fujiresidence.org/dont-check-daddy-mommy-psycho-warning-shirt/ Then there’s the cover. Everything you need to know about the band is summed up just by looking at the cover. I speak very poorly of “Glam Metal”/”Hair Metal”, but I love Steel Panther because they take the stereotypes of what is so bad/dumb about it and simu...